Danelle Bergstrom’s first major exhibition in Mariehamn presents a physical and emotional journey of her being drawn to the Åland Islands and the Baltic Sea. A unique opportunity of a residency on the tiny island of Källskär immersed her in its ecosystem, alone to contemplate the nature of things, of life and of time. She was surrounded by the heartbeat of the ocean, surging seas and solid ancient pink granite rock. These extraordinary experiences and the forming of new friendships led to a daring thought for her to change her path in life. An invitation to exhibit at Önningeby Museum cemented the idea. So on returning to Sydney Bergstrom began the process required to begin a new life in Åland.

This body of work captures Bergstrom’s affinity with nature and an aspect of Åland’s soul and spirit with it’s unique landscape. The artist’s eye observes, reflect and sees meaning in the rhythms of our surroundings. Loose but decisive brush work exemplifies the energy and dynamism of the Åland coastline. Her creations are instantly recognisable for place but are underlying with meaning. These land-sea boundary images become metaphors for human emotions and life’s choices.

As the planet hurtles through space at 2.1 million km/hr, the Earth and life are in a constant state of change. This fact is celebrated in the exhibition and so if everything around you is changing, dare to “be courageous, take fear with you and move forward.”

Dr Dana Michelle Bergstrom, Principal Research Scientist and Writer, May 2019


Önningeby Museum, Åland, Finland
11 June - 31 August 2019


Paradis, Galleri Skarpans, 2022


Våga, Arthouse Gallery, 2017